Chiropractic & Kinesiology
Diversified is a traditional chiropractic style of adjustment in which Dr. Maggio will assess joint mobility and correct any excess or lack of motion. These adjustments are gentle, and specific to the individual and age.
Applied & Clinical Kinesiology
These techniques allow Dr. Maggio to view the body from a neurologic standpoint. If we imagine that your house is like the body, and fuse box is equivalent to the spine, all of the wires that exit the fusebox can be related to the spinal nerves that overlap to supply muscles, tendons, and organs. In assessing these spinal levels, we can create a lack of interference so your body can express its best form of health. For example, if you’re having asthma, there is a spinal level that can be checked and the nerves can be assessed to reduce interference and allow the lungs to work at optimal capacity. This goes for any organ in the system, so if there is any neurologic stress or inference causing a physiologic symptom like trouble with digestion, low immune system, pain, ear infections, allergies, eczema, and much much more, Dr. Maggio can likely help. These techniques are accomplished by specific and gentle adjustments to various areas in the body following acupuncture meridians, in order to remove the aforementioned interference. Diet and lifestyle will also be addressed for a holistic and individualized approach.