
Webster Technique

Pregnancy Certified Chiropractor 

Webster technique is the gold standard of pregnancy care in chiropractic. It’s a pelvis balancing technique that allows the chiropractor to create space in Mom, that way if it is safe for the baby to turn into more optimal positioning, they can. This technique can be utilized on non-pregnant patients as well as create more balance and less pain in the pelvis at any age and for any gender. While Webster Technique can be performed in any stage of pregnancy, Dr. Maggio prefers starting as early as possible for prevention and wellness.

There are 3 ‘P’s to delivery:

Power — contractile force

Passage — Mom’s anatomy 

Passenger — baby

Dr. Maggio works on the first two P’s to ensure as easy labor, delivery, and recovery as possible. 

Webster technique results in a 20% decrease in labor delivery and recovery times.

While it is commonly known as the breech-turning technique, we as chiropractors do not turn breech babies. The entire goal is to create a state of ease in the passage, so the passenger can best align themselves.